| eRisemail 电子邮件系统 |
<< 参考文档
09 May 2018; erisesoft; erisesoft@gmail.com
- eRisemail system offers a feature with which user can extend or append the Anti-spam engines.
- Engine is based on C or C++, as the dynamic librarys, a .so file, on Linux.
How to use
- Implement the features which you desire based on the framework codes(the code is in antispam directory).
- Compile to generate the engine - a .so file.
- For the security consideration, please stop the eRisemail service.
- Append a record of engine to eRisemail Filter List,
- Start the eRisemail service
Description of Filter List /etc/erisemail/mfilter.xml
- This XML file storages all eRisemail Filter engines
- All the engines that are listed will be invoked in any new MTA session (SMTP session) .
- The invoked order follows the order listed in the XML file.
libso refers to the path of the engine.
- action means how to handle the spammail:
- TAG will only toggle this mail as a spam, but still recieves and storages the mail.
- DROP will discard spam mail directly .
- param means the paramter for the filter
Interface of Development Framework
void* mfilter_init(const char* param)
- Brief
- Initiate the mfilter, invoked by MTA in a new session beginning
- Parameter
- Parameter for this filter
- Return:
- Return a filter’s handler
void mfilter_emaildomain(void* filter, const char* domain, unsigned int len)
- Brief
- Get the local email domain name
- Parameter
- The handler of the exist filter
- Return
void mfilter_clientip(void* filter, const char* ip, unsigned int len)
- Brief
- Get the client site’s IP in a MTA session
- Parameter
- The handler of the exist filter
- A pointer of the buffer which storage the ip
* The length of buffer
- Return
void mfilter_clientdomain(void * filter, const char* domain, unsigned int len)
- Brief
- Get the client site’s domai nname in a MTA session
- Parameter
- The handler of the exist filter
- A pointer of the buffer which storage the domain name
- The length of buffer
- Return
void mfilter_mailfrom(void * filter, const char* from, unsigned int len)
- Brief
- Get the address of “MAIL FROM”
- Parameter
- The handler of the exist filter
- A pointer of the buffer which storage the address of “MAIL FROM”
- The length of buffer
- Return
void mfilter_rcptto(void * filter, const char* to, unsigned int len)
- Brief
- Get the address of “RCPT TO”
- Parameter
- The handler of the exist filter
- A pointer of the buffer which storage the address of “RCPT TO”
- The length of buffer
- Return
void mfilter_data(void * filter, const char* data, unsigned int len)
- Brief
- Get each line of mail body
- Parameter
- The handler of the exist filter
- A pointer of the buffer which storage the mail body
- The length of buffer
- Return
void mfilter_eml(void * filter, const char* emlpath, unsigned int len)
- Brief:
- Parameter:
- The handler of the exist filter
- A zero teminated string to the eml file path
- The length of path string
- Return:
void mfilter_result(void * filter, int* isspam)
- Brief
- Parameter
- The handler of the exist filter
- The flag whether the mail is a spam mail. -1 is a general mail, other value is spam mail
- Return
void mfilter_exit(void * filter)
- Brief
- Parameter
- The handler of the exist filter
- Return
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